Sunday, October 29, 2006

Bibliography Books...
Books that I have started to research on:
The media students book -Gill Branston and Roy Stafford-(2000)-UK
This book is very useful to my independent study and links to it clearly. The book contains alot of information on different stereotypes in society and weather these are positve or negative and how different people view them.
For example "stereotypes are not actual people, but widley circulated ideas ar assumptions about particular groups". This information links to my independent study as there are many assumptions on the "black" and "white" people in society.
This book also contains relevent information on representation and racism in society. It also contains information about Propp and different narrative structures.
Social Divisions -Geoff Payne-(2000)
I also researched into this book and found and analysed information on different social divisions in society that link to my independent study. For example it contains information on what social divisions are and what causes these social divisions to occur. I also found out that people in society are divided into "better" and "worse" categories. This links to crash as the white characters in the film are portrayed to live better lifes and usually have more money. However the black people portrayed in the film are seen to have less money and live less happier lifestyles.
Managing the message -Peter Hobday-(2000)
This book mainly contains information on racism in America where Crash was filmed. This book also contains information on different messages that this racism sends to the audience and what causes this to happen.
The media book- Boyd Barrett and Van Den Bulck-published in united states of America-(2002)
This book contains information on different representations in the media and also studies of audiences in the media(pg 15-16)
An Introduction to film studies -second edition-Jill Nelmes-(1996)
This book contains information on the history of women in the media and the roles of women in the film industry. Also contains information on feminism and how women are still unequal to men in society. This links to Crash as men can be seen to have more authority then women in the film.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Blog buddy from other class....
MY blog buddy from the other class is was hard finding a budddy from the other class but in a way mine and her text do link as we are both looking at the representation of women in our texts. This can be linked to my text as a social issue being raised by looking at how women are weak in crash and how they can be seen to have a positve role in the film. Her study focuses on how the representation of women has changed over time.
Areas of overlap:
In social terms wise the main issue rasied in each text and which can also be challenged in my text is how a women can be equal to a man in a film.
In crash women can be seen equal to a man by the fact that a police officer in the film is a women and can be suggested to be strong and powerful.
What i've learnt:
Historical Context:
Traditionally, women were seen as housewifes, and their status was much lower then males. The first wave of Feminism, which was in nineteenth century to the early twentieth century focused on gaining women the right to "suffrage" [right to vote] Shortly, the second wave followed. Feminism helped women to be recognised in society.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Task 9...
In my class i have asked Balinder to be my blog buddy wooo.
Even tough Balinder is doing a different text to me both our films can relate in many different ways. Her study focuses on the representation of kids in Kidulthood and the way in which black youths are represented in society in Britain.
Therefore there are many areas which overlap in our studies. For example as she is looking at the represenation of black youths in socitey this can aslo relate to my text as there are many representations of the black youth which are being represenetd in negative way.
Many issues and debates are also raised in both our texts which are also similar in a way and overlap. For expample Balinder is aslo focusing on the represenation of the white ethnicity and what effect this has in the film. This also relates to my study as the white ethnicity can be viewd in a negative and positve way in the film Crash.
Many areas such as sterotyping and relevent theroies such as propp aslo relate to one another in our texts.
Ive learnt from Balinders blog about how films can exaggerate certain stereotypes in society and also how a british art house and american art house film can be linked to one another in many different ways.
Self directed research........
This link is very useful to my independent study as it talks about different media representaions in the world. This relates to the film crash as there are many different media representations used to cause social conflict.
This link again is also useful. I found good information on media representation and in which way they are made to look natural to add a sense of realism. This link also talks about mediation and what effect this has in films. I also found information about different racail represenations.
This link gave me information about different audience theories and represenation a key part in my question.
This again gave me an insight to different represenations and races. Also gives information on weather represenations are a truth or a lie.
This link gives information on race in America.......
10 more keywords...
The uncontroversial geneally accepted attitudes beliefs and values of the majority population.
This links to my study as the film can relate to a mianstram audience as there are different races in the film.
The means or system used to collect and interpret information used in media research.
This links to my film as i will be gathering different research eg from different articles to find out more in depth issues raised in the film crash.
The recognition that the increasing cultural diversity of westen societies should be ackowledeged, supported and encouraged in all aspects of life.
This links to my study because there are different cultural aspects raised in the film crash which can be seen from the different charcters in the film.
The viewing figures of television or films by which they can be assessed as a success or a failure.
This links to my study as the research which i gather can provide me with the information to see weather crash was a success or a failure.
The process of identifying and compiling data or evidence for investigation into an aspect of the media under study.
This links to my independent study as i will be gathering alot of research into the film crash and also analysing this research to see how this will linl to my study question.
Undermining of dominant ideology and values.
The film crash does undermine alot of values and ideologies in the film. For example black people can be seen as a threat to society. Therefore this is challenging US attitudes in the film in many different ways.
In a film and televison audience, the creation of a feeling of tension and anticipation.
In the film crash there are many suspenseful moments in which the audience are raised with narrative enigmas from the beginning of the film.
Secondary research:
Research that involves using the work of others inclusing books, magazines and websites.
I will be using alot of secondary research in my study as i will need to find out information from different sources and also find out other peoples opinions that they have towards the film crash(from articles and reviews).
Point of view shot:
A camera shot taken from the position of a subject used to enhance a sense of realism and audince involvemnts in the action.
There are many of these shots used in the film to add a sense of realism.
Low budget film:
A film made with limited funds without the backing of a major film company.
This can relate to other texts in the fim such as "Bullet Boy"

Monday, October 02, 2006

Close textual analysis...

Media language:

Many close up shots are used in this scene to emphasise facial expressions and also to create a dramatic effect to feel what the main lady protagonist is going through. This can therfore engage the audience as close up shots stand out in this scene and create an emotional effcect on the audience as this is a very intense and dramatic scene, engaging the audience.

Sound-(non diegetic/diegetic)- the music is very calm yet also very dramatic at the same time. This theme fits in well with the whole scene as the situation is very intense as the two protagonists featured in the scene, have previously encounterd a negative scene together in which the women gets sexually abused. The dramatic music also can suggest the pain and fear the women protagonist is going through.

The camerawork is very blurry and handheld in this scene which can help to portray the reality of the scene as this accident can happen in real life. By the use of a blurred image this helps to indicate the fearful situtaion as there is smoke evrywhere.

The mise en scene is all set in a car that has just encounterd an accident. Therefore this can help to engage the audience as they would want to find out what is going to happen next to the women...will she survive? Thereofore the social situation taking place helps to create narrative enigmas in the film.

The edits in this scene are very fast and creative to catch and engage the audiences attention. These fast edits can also help to fit in with the car crash as the women protagonists life can be over in a number of seconds.


The film's budget was $6.5 million (plus $1 million in financing). Because of the financial constraints, director Haggis filmed in his own house, borrowed a set from the TV show
Monk, used his car in parts of the film, and even used cars from other staff members


The main iconographic images used in this scene is the burning car and fire scene where the car blows up. This can help to indicate that the main genre of the film is action.

A social issue of two opposing characters is also being raised in this scene to connote tension and aslo promote the idea that the film does carry generic conventions of social issues.


The male protagonist in the scene(white police officer) can be identified to be the HERO of the situation which links to propps theroy as he is saving her life. This cal also link to role reversal as before he was classified as a villain when he sexually abused the women. Thereofore he is being represented in a positve way to the audience to engage and inform them that role reversal is taking place.

This can aslo challenge sterotypes in the film as binary opposition between a black and white charcter is taking place. By the fact that the white police officer was seen to be racsist in the film this can challenge the sterotype of white people in the film as he is risking his own life to save the other protagonist.


The audience in this scene are kept engaged all the way through by the use of different media language techniques. They are associated with many narrative pleasures as suspense and tension is being created in this dramatic scene.

They are also raised with many narrative enigmas in this scene such as "will the woemd die"? or "will she be saved by the hero"?. This therefore engages the audience as the enigma needs to be solved to create a resolution.

The target audience for the whole film on average will be targeted to different backgorunds and classes in society as many different scenes in the film, aswell as this major scene contain a variety of different characters with different backgrounds.

Values and ideologies:

The main liberal value raised in this scene is the idea of anti racism as a black character and a white character(two previous opposing forces) have reunited in this scene. Also by the fact that he eventaully saves the women suggests that in society, we shoud all work together and look out for one another, as the message of anti racism is being sent out to the audience to enage them.

Alot of positive values are also being raised in this scene as the audience are being informed and educated that racism shouls stop in the world as this intense scene could have suggested that someone could have dided(as the main trigger of this accident was a fight with her husband caused by the sexual abusement previoulsy).

Thereofore the overall message in the scene can encourage politcal and social change which the audience can learn from and stop happening.


This scene can be viewed as a closed narrative as a reolution has happened and the women has been rescued eventaully resolving the narrative enigmas raised by the audience.

Many theorists can aslo be applied to this scenne such as propp(hero/rescuer) and narrative themes such as binary opposition. This again engages the audience as the hero positions has changed as before he could have been considerd as a villain in the text.

This scene is also part of a liner narrative as events are happening in a chronological order. This can maybe suggest that life should go on or our lifes do crash together in some stage of life.

Media studies essential word dictionary...
This is a male domination of the political, cultural and socieoeconomic system where women are ignored in society and are culturally and econmically invisible being defined solely by their relation to men.
This links to the film crash as women can be seen as weaker characters compared to men. An example of this is when a black women gets sexually abused(by white police officer) and her husband is stopped from helping her.
The groups or indiviuals tageted by producers as the intended consumers of media texts.
This links to my study as my main question is based on the audince and how they are engaged throughout the film itself. They play a very important role as many realistic events in society are taking place which can effect the audience in many ways.
Binary opposition:
A term used by levi strauss as part of his argument that narratives are structured around oppositional elemnts of human culture.
This relates to my study as many oppositions to take place throughout the film. For example good vs evil and life and death are some of the main oppositions that take place.
The social practices of a group of people usually involving shared language history, values, beliefs, lifestyle, appearance and entertainment.
This links to the film crash as there are many different background cultures involved in the film such as the black culture, white, asian etc...
All these different cultures together play a key role in the film crash to engage the audience as the main debate in the film is racism.
The subject matter of an act of communication.
This relates to my study in many different ways as a number of message and morals are sent out to the audience to engage them and also inform. For example in the film the message of stopping racism is sent out to the audience by making them notice the effect of what this has on characters in the film.
Russian formalist who analysed the structure of narratives. His work emphasises the role of character in structuring narrative and is useful in helping to understand generic conventions of films.
The hero...
There are many characters in the film that are classed as the HERO. For example when the white police officer rescues a black women from a burning car.
The Villian...
Many of the racsist characters in the film can be the villians as they are causing tension in the film.
Therefore propps theory is very relevent to my study because if the film does contain different narrative roles this can engage the audience as tension and social conflict is being produced.
The pre judging of an issue or social group usually in a negative of sterotypical way.
This specifically relates to crash as many different lower class groups are being sterotyped in a negative way in society. Many of the upper class characters in the film dipict them in a prejudice way which was what triggerd of the crash in the film at the beggining.
For example charcters in the film hold a very strong prejudice on black charcaters. This can mainly be seen by the white upper class characters in the film.
A film and television style that attempts to represent the real world.
The whole film is based on realistic events that take place in society in the real wolrd. For example racism, sterotyping, prejudices on people etc...all take place in society. Thereofre the main message or moral of the film could be to stop this from happening as racism does not only take place in LA.
Represenations provide models of how we see gender, socail groups, indiviuals and aspects of the world we inabit. Representation is the key to many media debates and is usually described as being positve and negative.
There are both positive and negative represenations in the film crash. This can be establised by the fact that many characters in the film are represented to be racsit to one another.
Many women in the film are also represented to be weak and emotional by the fact that men have more power over them. Many different stereotyps are represented and reinforced in the film by the fact that black people are seen to be criminals to society when in reality they do have a good side to them in the film.
The social classification of a group of people by identifying common characteristics and universally applying them in an often oversimplifiedand generaised way.
Many stereotypes are raised in the film crash.
Black people- criminals to society.
White people- rIch and selfish.
Asians- weak and emotional.