Blog buddy from other class....
MY blog buddy from the other class is was hard finding a budddy from the other class but in a way mine and her text do link as we are both looking at the representation of women in our texts. This can be linked to my text as a social issue being raised by looking at how women are weak in crash and how they can be seen to have a positve role in the film. Her study focuses on how the representation of women has changed over time.
Areas of overlap:
In social terms wise the main issue rasied in each text and which can also be challenged in my text is how a women can be equal to a man in a film.
In crash women can be seen equal to a man by the fact that a police officer in the film is a women and can be suggested to be strong and powerful.
What i've learnt:
Historical Context:
Traditionally, women were seen as housewifes, and their status was much lower then males. The first wave of Feminism, which was in nineteenth century to the early twentieth century focused on gaining women the right to "suffrage" [right to vote] Shortly, the second wave followed. Feminism helped women to be recognised in society.
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