Monday, October 09, 2006

10 more keywords...
The uncontroversial geneally accepted attitudes beliefs and values of the majority population.
This links to my study as the film can relate to a mianstram audience as there are different races in the film.
The means or system used to collect and interpret information used in media research.
This links to my film as i will be gathering different research eg from different articles to find out more in depth issues raised in the film crash.
The recognition that the increasing cultural diversity of westen societies should be ackowledeged, supported and encouraged in all aspects of life.
This links to my study because there are different cultural aspects raised in the film crash which can be seen from the different charcters in the film.
The viewing figures of television or films by which they can be assessed as a success or a failure.
This links to my study as the research which i gather can provide me with the information to see weather crash was a success or a failure.
The process of identifying and compiling data or evidence for investigation into an aspect of the media under study.
This links to my independent study as i will be gathering alot of research into the film crash and also analysing this research to see how this will linl to my study question.
Undermining of dominant ideology and values.
The film crash does undermine alot of values and ideologies in the film. For example black people can be seen as a threat to society. Therefore this is challenging US attitudes in the film in many different ways.
In a film and televison audience, the creation of a feeling of tension and anticipation.
In the film crash there are many suspenseful moments in which the audience are raised with narrative enigmas from the beginning of the film.
Secondary research:
Research that involves using the work of others inclusing books, magazines and websites.
I will be using alot of secondary research in my study as i will need to find out information from different sources and also find out other peoples opinions that they have towards the film crash(from articles and reviews).
Point of view shot:
A camera shot taken from the position of a subject used to enhance a sense of realism and audince involvemnts in the action.
There are many of these shots used in the film to add a sense of realism.
Low budget film:
A film made with limited funds without the backing of a major film company.
This can relate to other texts in the fim such as "Bullet Boy"


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